N.Y. Attorney General Warns Hospitals Against Canceling Transgender Care
A White House executive order last week threatened to pull federal funding from hospitals that provide gender-affirming care. But not providing the care could violate state law, Letitia James said in a letter on Monday.
The New York attorney general, Letitia James, has warned New York hospitals that complying with the White House’s executive order to end gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth could well violate state law.
NY Attorney General says funding for gender-affirming care and DEI programs remain intact
NEW YORK (WRGB) — New York Attorney General Letitia James is working to assure hundreds of federal funding recipients that their assistance CANNOT be frozen, despite the President’s recent efforts.
além disso, a Lia Gomes propos o Dia do Estadual do Combate a LGBTfobia, e acho que apenas uns três deputados estaduais foram contra, num universo de 47
concordo totalmente, mas pelo menos aqui a gente vê os poderes fazendo alguma coisa, eu próprio fui eleito delegado para uma conferência lgbt do governo do estado, representando a região da Ibiapaba.