Cinema pt. 3 (parte 1)

o ego-search

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Eu gostei desse Tangerines, aí abro o Letterboxd e vejo lá uma problematização do tamanho do mundo

"Let me ask those of you who’ve seen this a question. Are you aware that Abkhaz separatist committed ethnic cleansing, killing between 4,000 and 15,000 Georgians? And that during the whole conflict 10,000 to 30,000 Georgian civilians were killed?


Now. Knowing that, how does this morally simplistic fable about two enemies finding common ground sit with you? It suddenly all seems a little softly peddled, doesn’t it? A little reductionist? Maybe it seems like the real issues at hand, which this movie lacks the courage to confront, have a lot more moral complexity than what shows up on screen?

How is it that the two characters on opposite sides of the conflict stuck in a small house together for days don’t have one single conversation about what the war means to them or why they’re fighting it? Why doesn’t a single person in this film come off as more than a basic representation?

But hey, this movie hasn’t come to face the hard realities of what happened during the bloodiest regional war of the whole post-Soviet Caucasus conflict. Nor does it want to face the complexities of human suffering and cruelty, nationalism and ethnicism. No, it’s here for easy solutions and a soaring pop-music drenched final drone shot.

I’m not saying it has to be Come and See. I don’t have to witness the horror. What I’m saying is that if there’s nothing relevant or political, except for vague ethnic and religions affiliations, in a movie which claims to be about a very specific conflict, then maybe it isn’t really about that thing at all.

Because of this aching simplicity the movie makes no honest effort towards any real healing or understanding of what’s genuinely at stake in its narrative. It’s in no position to either damn humanity or elevate it. It’s just vague fluff about a very, very horrible moment in recent history. And if you’re unfamiliar with that moment, fuck it. War is bad. That’s all you need to know.

I’m probably being too hard. It’s not that it’s a crappy movie or that it’s not engaging to watch or that its heart isn’t in the right place. But I can’t shake the feeling that its thematic laziness is some kind of sin against those who really lived and died. We have a responsibility when we discuss war in our art, we must speak its true name and understand its true suffering, we don’t get to look away.

Well, whatever, that south Caucasus landscape sure looks pretty."

Bom dia

Hj irei ver um desses filmes:

-The Shallows (reassistir)
-California Split

A @Lehh ama uma cabeça sacando do nada em filmes

Amigo um dos piores filmes que vi na vida
Como o ryan participou dessa ogiva? estava péssimo

Será que tem forças pra $850m?

uma hora e meia de nada, aconselho a nunca assistirem

2 curtidas

Uma confissão já tinha visto essa cena ai rs mas nunca encontrei um arquivo pro filme
Um dia eu acho…

O sidy tem bom gosto. Pra ele ter odiado, o filme deve ser podre

meu deus acabei de ler o resumo na wikipedia, que porra de roteiro é esse

Pior que essa é a segunda experiência que tive nesse ano
Isso que dá floodar filmes

Qual foi a outra?

Eu super te entendo
Já passei por isso umas duas vezes ou mais esse ano tbm
É horrível

Essa porra aqui

A nota :skull_and_crossbones:

Merecia menos