Consequence of Sound: "Não queremos viver no mundo de Womans World"

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Pois é, a britney sendo uma bjork perto dessa mulher

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a aula de feminismo pra essa jamanta na review

We start off with Perry in Rosie the Riveter glam, as she and a crew of ultra-toned backup dancers insert themselves into what could traditionally be described as “men’s spaces.” They recreate the iconic Builders of the City Enjoy Luncheon, drink whiskey, and wave around tools. They stand confidently at urinals. Do you feel empowered yet?

What’s so head-scratching about this set of visuals, which Perry never fully commits to as satire, is that this is not how feminism should ever feel. Perry told Apple Music2 that her decision to focus on this theme was because “this is the first contribution I have given since becoming a mother and since feeling really connected to my feminine divine.” Connecting with the feminine divine doesn’t mean co-opting traditionally masculine spaces; ideally, it means celebrating the unique joys of womanhood. Feminism isn’t about proving we can do everything men can do — these days, the road to empowering women shouldn’t be centering men at all. Plenty of women drink whiskey and know how to operate power tools, but that’s not even the core of the issue here. It’s that this is the most baseline, tip of the iceberg, generic attempt at feminism, and the result is Perry never actually saying anything of substance.

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o Dr Luke no título kkkkkkkkkkkkk

Escrita por uma mulher a crítica.

acho que nossa momma vai ganhar best new track

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eles não entenderam o conceito, eles tem sorte de estarem vivendo nesse mundor

But beyond the pitch-black irony of creating a women empowerment song with someone tied to a disturbing accusations, the song is just plain bad — and the music video is worse.

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Muito desaplaudida e desalentada

a pisa na nossa momma que precisou de 4 homens pra escrever

tão inteligente

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E pensar que os veículos poderiam só ter ignorado é seguido em frente, mas todos decidiram massacrar e fazer balança caixão kkkkkkkkk

Todos segurando seus tomates

Maior massacre desde o álbum lixo da tua fave

O álbum vai vermelhar

This isn’t camp; this is boring.

In a world where very few structural or institutional systems make us feel like we’re strutting sexily through a “Woman’s World,” no part of me wants to turn up the volume on this one. The timing is bad, and so is the song.

Os fãs tavam nessa de que era camp a semana toda, aí vem as críticas e nem esse direito de falar que é camp deram pra eles, que maldade

não pq ainda falta a katynha lançar o álbum tbm pro massacre ser ainda pior

Até parece.

Eu amo esse mundo que vocês vivem kkkkk
Literalmente todas as críticas falaram da produção da música, da letra rasa e da mensagem cafona e ultrapassada.

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