Róisín Murphy - Hit Parade

4 curtidas

O hit parade sem hits

Fader unica boa das que sairam

hit no lastfm dos gays alt

The Universe minha favorita até agora

essa interview é vida em abundancia

antes de mais nada, Roisin Machine você sempre será lembrado - Kingdom Of Ends, nada será maior que você…

“It was shit that I made a club record when there were no clubs,” she says, laughing. But the timing was also weirdly perfect. “Everyone had this response, like, ‘You’ve saved me,’” she adds, recalling the way fans took solace in the album’s intricately rendered disco fantasies, her record a lifeline to what suddenly looked like a lost world. “I’ve never lived through a time where music suddenly became the most important thing in people’s lives. They poured themselves into it.”

a real sobre o hit parede

The album was Koze’s idea in the first place, a way to take her places she’d never been encouraged to go. “I always thought her voice and way of singing and writing lyrics is much bigger than the disco context that she’s done so often,” he tells me. On stage, Murphy is famous for cycling through innumerable costume changes, a never-ending stream of ballooning capes, outlandish hats, and head-to-toe spangles; Koze envisioned the album wrapping her up in a similarly dazzling array of sonic fabrics.

Hit Parade has Murphy showcasing the range of her voice not just stylistically, flipping from ballads to bangers, but in the way she explores every aspect of it: sandy, breathy, severe, gentle; caterwauling, cooing, hissing, belting, pleading, celebrating; leaping for joy, scowling with dejection, slipping wantonly between notes. Aided by Koze’s liquid blend of vintage soul and digital mischief, she locates entirely new pockets of marbled texture and elastic timbre in every drawn-out syllable.

EUREKA - novo hit

That joy permeates Hit Parade . Many of its songs—particularly “CooCool,” a birds-and-the-bees ode to finding romance later in life—are about the ecstasy of love, the vastness of it. But it’s not a one-note album. The plaintive “Hurtz So Bad” is a pillowy lament about unrequited desire. “The House” riffs on a dystopian JG Ballard story she was reading during the pandemic. And the last song, “Eureka,” goes to an unexpectedly dark place. The lyrics are ambiguous, but they are as somber as the production is shimmering. “What the doctor said,” she sings, her voice husky and tentative. “He took one look at me/Told me he could see/There was something there.”

@MadameX amigaa vem

Por que lançar tão longe assim

ela vai emocionar

roisin machine album do século

barbariza madrinha

1 curtida

Pelo o que saiu esse album vai ser mais na linha art pop que ela ja fez com o debut, hairless toy e THUTM e menos dance como o Roisin Machine e Overpowered

Por enquanto não curti muito Fader não

The Universe SOTY


@vtus Amiga, agora ela vai soltar o batidão

nossaaa to muito prontaaa :choro: :choro: :choro: :choro:
será q já vai o proximo single?

Eu acho hein. Tomara que não demore mto

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Eu tô achando tudo que saiu até agora 10/10
Mas tô puto de esperar até setembro

Mais um snippet de YOU KNEW. Parece ser MTO boa.


1 curtida

aii nem vou mais largar o play. aguardar agora já que é soon

isso tá perfeitooo :choro: :choro:


@vtus terça feira amigaa